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Life on team

What's it like to be on team?

Most of our team live on site in our staff accommodation. We don’t only share a workplace and a mission, but we share life together.

Striving for excellence, we aim to show Jesus in everything we do. We work hard and play hard too! Our days at work are full of laughs and camaraderie, and on days off many of our staff love to explore what Scotland has to offer together. The team can access our wide range of equipment to help in their adventures and learn a myriad of new skills.

Faith and Community

At our centres our team not only serve our guests together, but also learn what it means to follow Jesus together. Our community meets around prayer and learning about God as we try to become more like him. Living in community means that we have many opportunities to show grace and love to one another, and this lays the foundation for trust and great customer service in our shared mission.

Typical day in the life

One of the wonderful things about working at Abernethy is that every day could look different! What remains is that we meet daily to pray for the day, we work hard in our various departments to ensure a smooth visit for our guests and we contribute to running our events throughout the year. Whether you are preparing meals, cleaning bedrooms or leading activities outside, each day is spent with friends in a beautiful place.

I’ve had the best year of my life, and it has been even better than I imagined. Thank you for always being so welcoming and loving.

Academy Student

Coming here was so different than anything I had plans for but as always God knows best and knew where I needed to be. I had lost my joy in the past few years and I really didn't even know such joy existed. But through you guys and building my relationship with God, I have found it again and so much more.

Ex-Staff Member

Being here seems to be healing or refreshing - it sharpens you up a bit like cold water. It is one of God's places for sure.

Staff Member

My Trainee Instructor year was the most challenging and transformative year of my life.

TI Student

What I like about being at Abernethy is the real Christian community and fellowship. I feel supported by people who look out for me and want me to succeed.

Academy Student

From the start of my gap year I felt integrated and welcomed. The staff were so patient with me and I could ask any question without feeling like I didn't know enough!

Academy Student

Before I came, I was concerned about not fitting in, but it is such a great team that even on my days off I am still busy and feel like I belong.

Gap Year Student

My Gap year changed my life! During my year I discovered lasting friendships and my own faith. I grew in confidence in every aspect of my life and found out who I was. It was Abernethy giving me that space and putting good people around me that did that.

Gap Year Student