Abernethy Trust has been operating Outdoor Adventure Centres in Scotland since 1971. We have built up a wealth of experience over the years and work closely with the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) to ensure that our adventure programmes are delivered to an exceptionally high standard. The safety and wellbeing of our guests is paramount. Our emphasis on safety does not just cover the activities we offer at our centres, but all areas of our operations and our team members.
Safety Policy
Health & Safety policy statement
Our emphasis on safety does not just cover the adventurous activities on offer at our Centres, but all areas of our operation.
Our Health & Safety Policy Statement is as follows:
Abernethy Trust’s goal is to prevent accidents or sickness occurring as a direct result of its operational activities. The Abernethy Trust recognises and accepts its Health & Safety duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999. Through the duties imposed upon its Board and Management and carried out by individual Centre/Operations Directors, Abernethy Trust seeks to achieve high standards of Health & Safety for its employees, customers, contractors and visitors in order to prevent personal injury and ill health. The Board of Directors will actively support and encourage Managers and Employees to maintain high standards of Health and Safety throughout the organisation and will take steps to ensure compliance with all legislation and statutory duties. Abernethy Trust will review and monitor performance in safety matters at its operating Centres. Details of employee’s responsibilities are set out in our Health & Safety Policy Document. It is a condition of employment that employees fully comply with these responsibilities and procedures at all times.
General Safety
We carefully manage our sites to ensure your comfort and safety at all times. We have policies and procedures in place including fire safety, first aid, food hygiene as well as vehicle safety and child protection. We actively pursue the highest standards in all that we do, and carry out internal audits to ensure these standards are maintained.
Activity Safety
We offer over 30 adventure activities between the three Abernethy Centres, and all of these are operated within clearly defined safety guidelines and standard operating procedures. Each activity is risk assessed and all instructors are trained and qualified to an appropriate level. Our two Adventure Centres are inspected and licensed by AALA to ensure the highest possible standards of instruction. AALA Licensing details for our Centres are shown below.
Our Safety Standards document is available upon request.